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There is a leading Chinese corporation exporting sunflower seeds and shelled pumpkin seeds in this black land nurturing hopes and dreams. It is North-east Cereals Co., Ltd. in Nong’an County. North-east Cereals Co., Ltd. in Nong’an County was founded in 1995 with an area of 30,000 square meters, warehouse of 3,500 square meters and workshop of 4,000 square meters. The present number of staff is up to 120 including more than 30 management talents and senior technical personnel.
North-east Cereals Co., Ltd. Copyright Technical Support:jlccsn.com
县级市| 西充县| 南澳县| 长兴县| 庐江县| 神农架林区| 于田县| 荆州市| 元江| 阿拉善左旗| 松滋市| 岱山县| 临朐县| 曲沃县| 大兴区| 遂川县| 台湾省| 南宁市| 临沂市| 勃利县| 左云县| 乐都县| 广昌县| 黔江区| 申扎县| 元江| 兴安盟| 亳州市| 龙岩市| 安陆市| 罗平县| 安康市| 天气| 吉木乃县| 尖扎县| 北宁市| 福泉市| 通河县| 长寿区| 大理市| 临夏县|